Criteria for Kansas Asia Scholars- Korea Program
1.) Student must be a
social work major or student in a social work course. Most participants
will be undergraduate students, but application is open to MSW
and Doctoral students.
2.) GPA 3.00 preferred: GPA 3.5
3.) Personal statement
is well written. It specifies the motivation to participate in
this program in relation to personal background and professional
goals. The statement indicates preparation for engaging in international
travel and respectful cross-cultural learning. It explains how
academic strengths and personal experience reflect commitment
to Korea, East Asia, or international and cross-cultural social
work as well as the ability to engage in responsible team work
and mutual support in group learning contexts. It describes how
this experience could enhance preparation for social work practice
and/or voluntary community service. It describes
interests related to international, cross-cultural, philosophical,
and spiritual issues in social work.
4.) References letters
from faculty (at least one in social work) clearly describe the
student’s academic and personal preparation for international
and cross-cultural learning in a group learning context as well
as student’s commitment to professional social work values. Specific
examples should be included.
See desirable qualities in #3 above.
5.) Applicant has provided all application materials
on time and complete.
6.) Applicant has signed agreement form to all
KAS-Korea Program Commitments.
7.) Applicant is a U.S. citizen or permanent resident.
8.) Applicant does not have extensive prior
experience living in Korea.