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Sponsorship and Credits

    This website is hosted by Edward R. Canda, Ph.D., a social work professor at the University of Kansas.  See Ed Canda's faculty homepage (www.socwel.ku.edu/canda/index.htm) for more information about his perspective, work, and resources regarding spiritual diversity in social work.  You may contact him at edc@ku.edu    

    The Spiritual Diversity and Social Work Resource Center is co-sponsored by the Society for Spirituality and Social Work and the Canadian Society for Spirituality and Social Work.
    It has been funded primarily by the United Methodist Health Ministry Fund (2000-2005), and the Shumaker Family Foundation (2008-present) with additional funding from the University of Kansas School of Social Welfare Faculty Development Fund and the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (through Professor John Coates). 


     The Resource Center is currently a product of the Project in Spiritual Diversity in Social Welfare, funded by the Shumaker Family Foundation. Current project members are: Edward Canda (Director), Sachiko Gomi (Doctoral Research Assistant), and Jennifer Nevergole (MSW Student Assistant). 

     The Resource Center was developed originally by the Project for Health through Faith and Community, funded primarily by the United Methodist Health Ministry Fund. The website designer was Phillip Dybicz. Project staff (listed in order of time on project, beginning with most) were: Edward Canda (Director), Phillip Dybicz, Aaron Ketchell, Loretta Pyles, Kris D'Atri, Andrea Pfeiffer, Holly Nelson-Becker, and Sharon Barfield.