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Shamanism in Korea
Shaman Pak Yosa's Spirit Marriage Ritual, Chungmu, 93


1, Village

2, Local Observers

3, Musicians Accompanying
Shaman's Trance Dance

4, Presiding Buddhist Monk/Musician and Groom

5, Shaman as Ghost-Bride Proxy Bowing with Groom


6, Shaman Pak Yosa as
Proxy for Ghost-Bride,
with Groom

7, Shaman's Bamboo
Trance Dancing

8, Shaman and Client Hugging
During Healing Catharsis

9, Offerings to
Dragon Spirit of Ocean

10, Shaman Trance Dancing
with Bamboo Spirit Pole

11, Shaman with
Bamboo Spirit Pole

12, Shaman Balancing the Spirit Pole in Her Palm
During Trance Dance

13, Sweeping Away Suffering

14, Ritual Transvestite
Entertaining the Spirits


15, Sending the Spirits back to the Western Heavenly Paradise