Steve Kapp's Homepage

Welcome to my homepage.  You can find information about the courses I teach at the School of Social Welfare at the University of Kansas, some of my projects, and my personal interests by picking one of the topics below .


Social Welfare Courses


SW 540

Fundamentals of Social Work Research

SW 740

Social Work Research I

SW 741

Social Work Research II

SW 842 

Information Management in Human Services

  SW 541

Fundamentals of Social Work Research




Consumer Satisfaction for SRS clients

Evaluation of Federal Outcome 

Oriented Management Grant

SW 220

Social Work, Social Welfare, and Society


Personal Interests

Children's Mental Health and Juvenile Justice Collaboration RFP


************************************************************************************* This website is very much a work in progress. It will be updated and hopefully, improved routinely. So, keep that in mind as you peruse its contents.

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