

     (Excerpt taken from front flap) In this book we integrate existentialist, transpersonal, holistic and system theories with Buddhist, Christian, Hindu, Islamic, Judaic, and Shamanistic traditions of helping.  They provide the knowledge, ethical guidelines, and practical skills and techniques that all social workers can follow, regardless of their particular theoretical approaches. Stories, practice examples, insights from a national survey of social workers, and learning exercises support the reader's professional and personal growth.
     See Reviews by readers and sample pages (on


     Released also as double issue of Social Thought, 20(1/2).  Each chapter represents an article written by a scholar of transpersonal theory in the field of spirituality and social work.  Topics include conceptual models of spirituality, deep ecology, facing death, empowerment practice, mental health assessment, violence, disabilities, hospice, and practice with couples.
      See Reviews by readers (on


     Released also as a special issue of Social Thought, 18(2). Each chapter represents an article written by a scholar in the field of spirituality and social work. Topics include conceptual models of spirituality, social work education, intuition, Taoism and the strengths perspective, dying in adolescence, church/state relations, and themes for innovation.
See Reviews by readers (on


      This book offers a comprehensive overview of human behavior theory, including contemporary
theories, such as transpersonal theory, as well as traditional theories. A framework is provided to help encourage and develop one's critical thinking skills in analyzing and comparing theories. The topics of spirituality, oppression, and social justice are each dealt with explicitly in all chapters.  A second edition is in press.   This second editon can be accessed on-line and searched by keywords.
      See Reviews by readers (on


      This booklet provides a comprehensive listing of more than 700 publications on the topic of spirituality and social work.  Entries are organized by topics and numerous annotations are provided.  The booklet can be accessed on-line for purchase and for searching contents by key words.
See Table of Contents.