Commitment to KAS-Korea Program Expectations Form
(Must be Submitted with Application Materials)
[Student applicant’s name]
Dear Applicant:
We are pleased that you have decided to apply for the Kansas Asia Scholars Program on Social Work in Korea. In order to help you decide if this program is a good match for you, we have identified the following expectations to which all applicants must commit in order to be considered for acceptance. These commitments are necessary for all participants to enjoy a successful program of cross-cultural learning and travel about and in the Republic of Korea. Make a check mark next to each commitment and sign at the end in order to indicate your agreement to comply with all expectations if you are accepted. Failure to comply after acceptance may result in dismissal or a reduced grade.
I agree to comply with the following expectations:
_______ I will comport myself in accordance with the NASW Code of Ethics and University of Kansas Code for Students’ Conduct at all times.
_______ I will participate in the enrichment activities prior to the study travel in Korea, as arranged by the Program Director, Dr. Edward Canda, and by the Center for East Asian Studies. I understand that seven or more may be scheduled. The first official activity will be a reception to formally announce the selection of this year’s Kansas/Asia Scholars, most likely in November in the evening.
_______ Before departing on the study tour, I will attend the mandatory
pre-departure orientation sessions (most likely 2) held by the Office of Study Abroad.
______ I will participate in the entire study tour in Korea that will take approximately three weeks, likely to be scheduled during late May or June.
_______ During the study tour, I will dress and conduct myself culturally appropriately (seeking guidance from the Program Director when necessary) and participate in all required group activities, even if a particular activity does not relate to my area of interest.
________ During the study tour, the group will stay in modest Korean style accommodations, sometimes with two to three people per room in hotels, hostels, or homes. This may involve sleeping on the floor with Korean style sleeping mats and covers.
________ Travel will be by a variety of urban public transportation in the cities and by plane, train, van, or bus between cities. Extensive moderately strenuous walking, including on hills and small mountains, will be necessary in urban and rural areas.
________ I will adapt to typical Korean diet for all meals, which usually include rice; fish, seafood, and other meats; and pickled spicy vegetables that are flavored with fish sauce (kimchi). Group meals sponsored by the KAS-Korea program cannot accommodate diets different from this, since other diets are not practically feasible at most restaurants and homes.
________ At all times I will conduct myself in accordance with Korean customs for respect, including in a variety of academic, professional, religious, ceremonial, and home living situations.
________ I, or my family, on my behalf, will have adequate health insurance that
covers health care abroad. KAS will purchase emergency medical evacuation coverage for me as well.
________ On the Study Tour, the Kansas/Asia Scholars-Korea program will pay for in-state Study Abroad summer tuition, airfare, lodging, in-country transportation between cities and to all required group activities, and at least two meals per day. I will pay for passport, visa, any necessary immunizations, some meals, and other personal expenses and gifts.
________ After returning from the Study Tour, I will complete a post-trip debriefing session and a service-learning project that will include at least 20 hours of service. I will work with KAS-Korea staff to develop a project that is consistent with my strengths, interests, and schedule. I will also complete a journal or other record-keeping for the project and assignments, as required. All students will recieve a grade of incomplete until the service learning requirement is met (no later than November 2006).
________ I have completed the application with full knowledge of program expectations, design, and selection criteria as described on the KAS-Korea website.
[Applicant Name: SIGN on line, PRINT below]
*Provide this form to Dr. Edward Canda at the KU School of Social Welfare along with other application materials.